Since the early days of the Würzburg-Mwanza partnership, medical care at BMC has improved significantly due to constant bilateral efforts. Examples include the acquisition of technical equipment and continuous improvement of lab facilities. A major step forward was the foundation of a new cancer institute, offering chemotherapy and radiotherapy facilities in Mwanza. Postgraduate programs at CUHAS now include internal medicine, surgery, gynaecology, paediatrics and clinical microbiology, with all teaching programs aided by the exchange with UKW.
In parallel to the impact of PhD education, the Else Kröner Center enables medical training and exchange programs for BMC clinical staff to further improve the hospital-based medical care. Within this program, Master of Medicine students (comparable to the German “Facharzt”) from CUHAS/BMC are invited for short-term stays in selected partnering sites in Würzburg to allow them to acquire technical skills directly needed in Mwanza. So far, this exchange has been organized on an individual basis. Within the framework of the Else Kröner Center, up to four six-weeks stay at the University of Würzburg and/or the Medical Mission Institute can now be offered on a routine basis every year to facilitate continuous exposure to defined clinical procedures and techniques.
As some methods also require direct training on site, the Else Kröner Center also set up an option for onsite training with instructors from UKW/JMU teaching in Mwanza. During the past years, several experienced physicians from UKW have already visited BMC to train Mwanza clinical staff in their requested specialisations. Within our Center, UKW employees can now be offered rotational positions that cover for the costs and allow a flexible handling of the training visits.

© Sascha Montag